Job Seekers

Job Seekers

Anyone can submit resumes through a job board and put their resume on the virtual stack of hundreds of others. Engaging with a talented Direct Hire recruiter like JH Engineering Recruitment, skilled in your geography and industry, means virtually connecting with every company you would be interested in. No matter how big your network is, ours is bigger. We can even network for you confidentially, if necessary.
Direct Hire recruiters know about jobs that aren’t posted on job boards. These might be jobs where the search is confidential or just not posted yet. Our recruiters are skilled at providing personal attention to their candidates, while bringing the full force of their client network.

Advantages in using a recruiter

1. When the recruiter presents someone to a trusting client, the client listens.  If you approach the company on your own, you are a complete unknown.
2. A recruiter takes the time to get to know you as a candidate and understands the corporate and cultural aspects that are hard for you to find in your research, they can showcase your talent and explain to employers exactly what makes you “the right fit.”
3. One of the best reasons to call JH Engineering Recruitment: our services are FREE to Candidates looking for new career opportunities!

Take the Next Step in Your Career

Explore Available Positions

Check out our job board and access exclusive listings to search for your dream job.

Submit Your Application

Submit your resume by logging in or by applying directly on the job post and our team will be in touch.

Get in Touch With a Recruiter

Helping you find a job is our top priority, which is why our recruiters take time to understand your skills, career goals, and the type of organizations you’re looking for. We even help refine resumes and improve interview skills to help you land your dream job.